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If you have ever taken a Software Engineering course, one of the first discussions was waterfall (planned through) vs agile (iterative) development.
Articles, Projects, and War Stories.
If you have ever taken a Software Engineering course, one of the first discussions was waterfall (planned through) vs agile (iterative) development.
In this mini-project, I first explain the concept of A/B testing. After that I provide a concrete example to tackle the technical details.
Learning is perhaps the most important aspect of intelligence. Surprisingly, most people do not know how to learn effectively.
Suppose you become the most brilliant casino gambler that has ever walked the earth and discover a strategy that gives you a 51% chance of doubling your bet. Now, if you are familiar with statistics this will sound like great news. If you are not and kind of skeptical, run a simulation with 1,000,000 bets played and look at your net. Here’s the python code:
Both can be formulated as optimal stopping problems.
Minimum Description Length (MDL) principle is similar to the age-old concept of Occam’s razor. Just like Occam’s razor, which states that the simplest explanation is often the best, MDL states that the best model is the simplest one, that still accurately describes the data.
This is the second chapter in a series of study notes I made reading my favorite algorithms book. In this chapter, we will discuss how to assess algorithm efficiency by introducing essential concepts in time complexity analysis.
This is the first chapter in a series of study notes I made reading my favorite algorithms book. They are not intended (and can’t) replace the original material, but can serve as a good refresher or a quick (but not complete) overview to help the reader improve their algorithm design and problem-solving skills.
Let’s deconstruct the data science umbrella and see how to get started.