

I have recently broken into the fintech industry by joining Prime Compliance Limited. I am responsible for data engineering, business process automation, and financial data analysis.

Education and Academic Experience

I hold a master’s degree in Computer Science from Saarland University, one of Germany’s leading institutions. My studies have primarily focused on statistics, machine learning, and software engineering.

I gained a year of research experience through the thesis project at Exploratory Data Analysis group, CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security. There I developed a causal discovery algorithm that does not assume causal sufficiency, i.e., that we have measured all relevant variables.

I have also worked as a Teaching Assistant for “Statistics with R” class.


  1. Study notes on data science, software engineering, productivity, etc.

  2. HOWTO: practical guides

  3. PROJECT: personal projects

  4. War stories putting valuable lessons in real life context.

Contact me

You are welcome to connect with me on LinkedIn.